The month goes on….


Wow, this has been a busy couple of months! All the Golden Heart stuff (a heck of a ride, that) plus general life stuff (kids, sports, rinse, repeat) have made the time vaporize as opposed to just flying.

Now we are down to a couple weeks before Nationals and I’m–not ready.


I’ve got a couple of pitches to write, clothes to shop for–tho I did find a dress for the awards ceremony (yay!) but the shoes I’d bought to go with another dress that didn’t pan out won’t work (boo!). Still. I can shoe shop with the best of them so it’s all good. But it’s the other clothes combined with the fact I’m losing weight that makes it tricky. I need to buy stuff that won’t fit me in a month. (Yay! Boo!) So I’m waiting last-minute on purpose. Well, that and I’m a world-class procrastinator, of course.

But I digress.

Somehow it will all get done because it always does. I may even be sane at the end of it all. For now, I’m trying to enjoy the moment and the prep and not drive my husband too nuts in the process.

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